Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day and my work

As a historical artist I create a lot of works that I hope evoke the viewer to remember that our freedom isn't free. Locked within every artifact of our military heritage are thousands of untold stories. If this canteen could talk, what would it say? Where has it been? Who used it? Of one thing I am sure; That is was carried by an American Soldier and I am indebted to him.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Some more of my Earth Day works, all oils on recovered masonite.Beagle portrait,Irish Wolfhound,Mallard Duck,Old friends(cons) -on canvas board all 5x7 inches

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Wildlife Art Earth Day

Earth Day 2009

This year for Earth Day, I wondered what I could do in my art to celebrate.I realized I could recover some masonite from a junked desk and recycle it. As most painters know that masonite is a fine material to paint on once it has been sanded and gessoed. So I pulled the nails and cut the board down into 5x7 size and got to work. Here are some of the works from this effort!
